Facebook Live Card August 8, 2018

Hi Friends,

I have a super cute card I’m sharing today on my Facebook live broadcast!  If you want to head over there I’m doing a LIVE Prize Patrol drawing at the end of my broadcast.  If you can’t catch the live broadcast don’t worry I have you covered.  Leave a comment here and you will be entered to win my 2nd drawing!


My Blog drawing winner will be announced next week during that Facebook Lives broadcast.  I’ll post it here as well.  Good luck and I hope you love the card I made.  You can click the supply list and download the free PDF!  I want to let you know about the great promotion I have going on this week as well.  If you spend $50.00 in my online store I’ll send you a pack of the Colored Doilies for FREE!  It’s my way of saying THANK YOU! for shopping with me.



Price: $110.00


Hugs & much love, Bobbie

Comments 12

  1. Lovely card Bobbie. Hope your arm is better soon. Or go get it checked out!
    Got my retreat in a box….happy dance!!! Thank you for awesome gifts and directions. Playtime!

  2. Your cards are awesome. Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and creative imagination with us.

    1. if you look under the supply list, where all the images are there is very tiny print that says “supply list” if you click on that you can download the PDF.

  3. Hey Bobbie–thanks for the FB LIVE today! Lovely card and so fun to spend time with you 🙂

  4. Just watched your video 8/15. Loved the card you made. I was glad I got home from golf today early enough to catch you live!! That doesn’t always happen. I was telling Janet Godchalk I would like to come to one of your Saturday make it take it cards. Maybe in September.

  5. Looks like another lovely project for today Bobbie, as per usual! Thanks for the inspiration always 🙂

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